There are a group of parishioners who have been meeting to discuss ways of encouraging a deeper sense of community and  family involvement in the parish. One of the first simple things we are planning to undertake is to instigate a Welcoming Sunday once a month on the First Sunday of the Month. We are all familiar with, and good at turning and greeting each  other at the beginning of Mass but this will be an opportunity to further extend this and step out of our normal comfort zone and friendship groups and be more intentional about meeting or talking with someone who may be a new face at church or someone you always smile at but have never actually had a conversation with.

On the First Sunday of each month we are also going to have “stick on” name tags at the door of the church for people to write their names on to make it easier to say hi to people and have a conversation with someone who you may have seen for ages but never really knew their name.

Let’s enjoy and look forward to meeting new  faces and ensuring our communities are a welcoming place for all!

For any more information, suggestions or to get involved please contact
Luke Garske or Michelle Mead